Emotions and Infertilty

When the bible talks about guarding your heart with all diligence (Prov 4:23), i never really took it seriously until i started TTC. Now those who are familiar with this know we go through all kinds of emotions when friends/ close relations birth their kids, some are already pregnant before the wedding and you are 4 years or more down the line after marriage, you hear someone gets rid of a pregnancy she does not want. Yea, you know that feeling right. Lol

Today, I want to draw some examples from the bible to show we need to keep our emotions in check while we wait. Reason being i got so worried one day and was really thinking about a whole lot of negative things and God reminded me of Matt.6:25 so whenever i go south i try to remember that scripture.

Firstly, we would look at Sarah and Abraham in Gen.16. Sarah decided her husband should bed her maid. Sarah was desperate and did not think through (MPOV). I guess she must have been thinking who would inherit all they had worked for. Her husband also just dived in, scored a goal and her maid decided to be haughty.

Secondly, we have Hannah, Peninah and Elkanah in 1 Sam 1. Every year, they would all go for Shiloh and Hannah would pray and fast. Peninah was the first wife with children and she would taunt and make mockery of Hannah and God. I want to believe Hannah attended lots of ' church program' and did a lot of fasting and praying. Does that sound familiar anyone? Hannah was bitter and with deep pains she went to prayer at Shiloh a particular year and took a vow to give up her child after birthing him.

Thirdly, we have Jacob.Rachel and Leah in Gen.30. Two sisters married to the same man.One loved more than the other. God decided to open the womb of the unloved (Leah) and she kept birthing kids hoping 'Jay' would come to love her . Rachel could not stand it and demanded 'Jay' gives her kid. I am sure they tried in the 'other room' and when it was not forthcoming she gave her maid to 'Jay' to get her pregnant.This started a Pregnancy Match between both sisters and their maids.

Finally, we have the stories of Manoah in Judges 13, Elizabeth and John in Luke 1, we have the story of Rebekah and Isaac. In all these stories we see a lot of emotions in play here. Let us learn to take a deep breathe before any rash decision. God is a God of Mercy and we will rejoice soon. I am alive, therefore i am a step closer to my miracle.

Happy Weekend!!!


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