Have You seen Your Doctor?

Hiiiiiii, Happy holidays.I am sure we all enjoyed he long break. I just want to ask if you have seen a doctor concerning conception? Silence is never the answers neither is not taking action. Man or woman, please grab the bull by the horns and see a Gynecologist, Urologist and any other specialist needed for your case.

When a couple is trying to conceive, both should be open minded. There is no need to cast stones. It could be a his and her problem or a his /her problem. The fact that you impregnated a woman years back does not exonerate you or as a woman the fact that you could 'catch' pregnancy fast a while back does not exonerate you.Both should be available and willing to carry out all tests where applicable and be supportive. Please no stone throwing

Sometimes, a little counselling, drugs, diet, lifestyle adjustment advice from the doctor might just be what you need. In cases where the underlying issues are complex, it helps that you know about it and start working towards it. The bible says my people perish because of a lack of knowledge. Please seek out a doctor today concerning those signs or issues you have noticed and you will be better for it. Husbands also,please be supportive.

Have a good week!!!


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