When All Hope Seem Lost.

It's amazing how we think all things have been put in place and you get a shocker. It's shocking when you think being a good person guarantees that all things would work together for your good.
Have you not wondered bad things happen to good people and vice versa.

Hmm!, my life is a long list of questions. I have gotten to the point where i asked myself this question; What if my husband decides to leave because of trying to conceive? It's been 5 years of waiting with a lot of bashed hope and longing.

Funny i could not answer the question when i first asked myself.It took me a while to ruminate over it. I went back to my bible and discovered loads of comfort. God know my beginning to my end and the plans he has for me are GOOD PLANS to bring me to an expected end. I discovered i should not put my trust in men.Human beings are mere mortals and are fallible.

Trying to conceive is a tough and painful journey.No one should have to go through it. It is worse when you have to walk through it in an atmosphere of fear,confusion,no support and busybody whisperers.

God grants us the strength to wait while we keep looking up to him. Pheew!


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